Environmental Infection Control Specialist (EICS)

The Enviropure Environmental Group has researched and developed a Canadian certification program for Infection Control and Management. This is called the EICS, Environmental Infection Control Specialist Designation.

Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification
Restoration Sciences Academy Logo
Amdecon certified biohazard specialist certification
ABRA Certified Bio-Recovery Technician Seal
Tree best rated logo
Indoor Air Quality Association Logo
environmental infection control specialist certified logo
A woman wearing a mask applies hand sanitizer

Environmental Infection Control Specialist (EICS)

This Protocol and Training was developed with over 15 years of Competent Experience and Certifications pertaining to Bio Hazard Cleaning, Specialized Infection Clean up Training, IICRC Designations, ABRA (American Bio Recovery Association) Certifications and many more. This protocol deals with situations such as controlling and eliminating highly contagious infectious bacteria and viruses including the Coronavirus in Long Term Care facilities, Government buildings, large scale retail & commercial settings, and industrial & warehouse facilities. This certification also covers biohazard cleaning in residential homes where people who have had contagious conditions such as COVID-19 have resided.

What This Certification Course Teaches

The Environmental Infection Control Specialist Course teaches critical processes and procedures such as:

  • Proper PPE Selection
  • PPE Donning and Doffing
  • Fit Testing of masks and respirators
  • Pre Cleaning and Disinfection site evaluation
  • Pre Disinfection Cleaning protocols (reducing bacteria loads verifiably to less than 5%)
  • Proper tools and equipment for medical grade disinfection
  • Proper processes for Disinfection
  • Types of disinfectants safe for long term exposure
  • Competent knowledge of what a virus is, and how it spreads
  • Dealing with OPIM (Other Potentially Infectious Materials)
  • Eliminating risks of exposure
  • Post testing and verifying disinfections results

The knowledge gained through our course will give you the knowledge and skills to properly and completely disinfect any type of facility that has experienced any form of viral or bacterial outbreak, including COVID-19.

an Enviropure home cleaner disinfects an office for COVID-19
Enviropure home cleaning specialists at work with full PPE

 Enviropure Provides Flexible Infection Control Training

Our EICS Certification course offers the most comprehensive learning experience in Canada for anyone who is looking to work in infection control.
Our training course offers flexible on-site training and practical applications for understanding all areas of viral infection spread and control. This practical, real-world learning experience exceeds the standards requirement of all Canadian Government Health and Infection Prevention Control Agencies.

Protect the health and safety of those who work in your facilities, and limit downtime in the event of a shutdown due to a highly contagious, rapidly spreading outbreak such as COVID-19. Having a certified Environmental Infection Control Specialist at the ready will ensure that your business is ready to handle any outbreak at any time.

For more information on this protocol and how your team can be trained and certified, email us at EICS@ehulk.net or call 613-513-7873

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are the answers to some of our frequently asked questions. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact Enviropure today.

By getting a certification in Environmental Infection Control Specialist (EICS), you are letting your employees customers know that your company or organization takes infection control seriously, and that you are committed to their health, safety and well-being. With the COVID-19 global pandemic, awareness of the spread of infection and bacteria is at an all-time high. Your staff and your clients want you to have the highest health and safety standards. Training with us and earning your infection control certification is the best way to do that!

Most definitely! COVID-19 and the coronavirus infections, risks and prevention are at the top of everyone’s minds right now. While our Environmental Infection Control Specialist training program covers a variety of infection types, COVID-19 will certainly be a major focus for the foreseeable future. We cover PPE, disinfection, cleaning & sanitization and much more – all in the interest of stopping the spread of COVID-19 and other infectious diseases.

Yes. As the current recommendations by Ottawa Public Health and other authorities are to wear masks (including mandated masks in indoor public spaces in Ottawa and across Ontario), our Environmental Infection Control Specialist training program spend a good portion of its time on masks and other types of personal protective equipment (PPE). We’ll cover how to select the right mask, how to wear a mask properly, who could be exempt from mask requirements, where masks are mandated and other COVID-19 PPE topics.

We’ll cover this topic in the EICS infection control training program, along with many other topics related to best practices for cleaning and sanitizing to fight COVID-19 infection.

Enviropure is a leader in the Ottawa cleaning industry. For years, we have been providing home cleaning, office and commercial cleaning services. We also serve Ottawa and surrounding communities with a comprehensive array of specialty cleaning services, including asbestos removal, mold remediation, air quality testing, infection cleanup, hazmat cleanup, hoarding cleanup and much more. Being on the front lines of the cleaning business, we have gained tremendous insight and valuable experience over the years. We’ve also made continuous learning a priority; we are constantly researching cleaning & sanitization trend and more effective methods. It is from this perspective as cleaning industry practitioners that we are able to teach, train, consult and impart valuable insight and information to our clientele.